Please click continue2.By clicking continue in previous step you will be asked to accept license, please click continue3.Please accept the agreement by clicking Agree4.Click continue5.Click install, which would prompt you for the credentials6.Provide username and password and click Install Software 7.On successful installation you will see the below screen which shows the summary of the installation.To access the node and npm executable from terminal make sure /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH. Before you begin, you should have a user account with installation privileges and should have unrestricted access to all mentioned web sites in this document. Audience:This document can be referred by anyone who wants to install latest nodejs on macSystem requirementsmacOS >= 10.104 GB RAM10 GB free spaceInstallation Procedure 1.Download1.Visit nodejs download page here2.Click on macOS Installer to download the latest version of node installable package.2.Install1.Click on the download node-vxx.xx.xx.pkg (for example node-v10.15.0.pkg) in previous step to start the installation which brings up below screen.
Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to develop wide variety of applications like network applications, command line tools, web api, web applicationsIn this document, we will cover installation procedure of nodejs on mac operating systemPrerequisitesThis guide assumes that you are using mac os. By Susan May Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.