How to take a screenshot on mac os sierra
How to take a screenshot on mac os sierra

To rule out the likely possibility of a poorly performing Samsung SSD, you may consider installing macOS on an external hard disk drive, and running macOS from it instead. Yes, those characteristics are normal in Safe Mode. (although overall the system in safe mode is like using very low ram and graphics processing and everything from animation is very slow and odd - maybe these is normal). Any suggestions, except clean installing the os that i find very frustrating (i had never problems before jumping to every new osx and not clean installing the machine why now?) cause i have a lot of files and a lot of apps installed, will be welcome. I have tried many workarounds like deleting finder prefs (ists etc) or reseting PRAM and SMC but nothing have made the situation better. copying,moving,deleting files or even emptying recycle bin is slower than before ( even though they advertised that with apfs will be blazing fast!!! ) working on a file on photoshop, like a jpeg, and saving it back will get some seconds to refresh the old thumbnail and give the latest/edited thumb

how to take a screenshot on mac os sierra

when i export/copy files (i am using photoshop/lightroom every day for work) they get some irritating seconds to appear at the destination folder Also simple renaming one file sometimes get some seconds to appear with the new name. batch renaming files is a mesh ( giving random numeric names and not renaming everything right as on previous versions ). moving/exploring inside finder is very slow ( sometimes i go at a folder that has 100 files inside and before i go back and then again open the same folder i get to see only half the files that are stored inside - first times was frightening but i got used to it 😠 )

How to take a screenshot on mac os sierra install#

Whats the problem? Since the update (not a clean install from sierra ,on a MBP mid 2010, i7, 8gb ram, 256 samsung ssd) i have been having these problems : fingers crossed all except the most basic and fundamental operation on my MBP the so called Finder, works perfect so blame apple and probably APFS.

how to take a screenshot on mac os sierra

Its over a month i have been using high sierra.

How to take a screenshot on mac os sierra